Angela Athena Karr

I am born and raised in the Chicagoland area. Since I was a child I have participated in several sports. Currently I am a competitive Figure Skater, a competitive Alpine Ski Racer, and am on the gymnastics team as well as the soccer team at my high school.
Favorite Quote
“Leadership is not about a title or a destination. It’s about impact, influence, and inspiration.” -Robin S. Sharma
#class 2023
The Olympics has always been an inspiration for me as a Greek American, an athlete, and a leader. In my spare time when I am not playing sports, I love to read and learn languages. Currently I can speak French, Spanish, Mandarin, English, I also have received my seal of Biliteracy in Greek. Sports and Language and Culture hold a very special place in my heart, making being apart of YCA a great honor.
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